Tuesday 22 November 2016

Two Manchester United fans spent Friday night in the stadium toilet in an attempt to watch Arsenal game

Two Manchester United fans were discovered in an Old Trafford toilet on Saturday morning by security guards during a security survey. The pair according reports spent Friday night without being detected in a bide to watch Saturday's Premier League game
against Arsenal.

The fans unnamed had been on a stadium tour but decided to isolate theirselves from the event. On Saturday morning they were stumbled upon during a
security sweep of the stadium.

The pair were reportedly before handed over to police, who decided not to arrest the pair. Manchester United also assured supporters of there were no risk attending the Arsenal game.

The two fans after being released and searched alongside their belongings also being put through a metal detector were freed and they however, went back on tour.

had been searched and their
belongings put through a metal detector before
they went on the tour.


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