Monday 21 November 2016

Nasri nearly got me Tasered - William Gallas

Former Chelsea defender and Arsenal Captain William Gallas claims on-loan Manchester City player Samir Nasri planned to have him Tasered back in 2009. 

Gallas and Nasri Shared a rough relationship during their Arsenal career and even while on international duty for France. Gallas reportedly criticised Nasri in a 2008 autobiography.

Gallas narrated while speaking to France's RMC sports:

"I was with my cousins for a meal, it was the
eve of a gathering of the French team. At the
end of the meal I went out of the hotel and
some people approached me and wanted to
talk to me," Gallas said. "Initially I did not want
to and then I recognised a person who was
often with Samir [Nasri] at the Arsenal training

"A few days before we had had a row about
comments that he made about me that I did
not appreciate.

"This person wanted us to talk and wanted me
to see Samir, who was in a car further away so
I got ready to follow him. But my cousin, who is
a policeman, told me in creole not to follow

"At the same time, I glanced inside and I saw
someone crouched down with a bag. ... In the
bag, there were Tasers. I didn't know why.

"But luckily I was with people that day, because
I do not know what could have happened."
Gallas made the accusations during a studio
discussion that also included former Arsenal
midfielder Emmanuel Petit. Nasri has not
responded to the claims.

Gallas joined London rivals Tottenham in 2010, but his feud with Nasri continued as the Arsenal player refused to shake hands before the North London derby that year.


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