Friday 25 November 2016

Nigeria Falconets paid N10.000 as match allowance

The worst could still be said of the Nigerian Football governance as lack or meager match allowances has continued to hit and tint the image of accountability  of Nigerian football governing officials.

This is with regards to a recent incident that occurred, that has landed one the Nigerian Falconets who represented her country in the ongoing Women's World Cup in Guinea in the hospital.

According to reports, Mary Ologbosere a Falconets defender is currently hospitalized following the shock she received following their ousting from the competition. The player who's dad passed away while she was on duty in Guinea came back to receive N10.000, as the only money that according to sources, came from The NFF. Ologbosere who was much expected to carry on with the financing of her father's burial suffered depression as she reportedly, cried all through the night. The player is currently in an Abuja hospital at the Traumatic unit.

“She is totally shattered by this heartless
treatment,” simply reported a team
official at the Serob Legacy Hotel. “It’s
truly a pathetic case.”

“Right now, the girl is receiving treatment
for trauma because after the news was
broken to the team that they will be paid
only 10,000 Naira many of them felt
dejected and she cried uncontrollably all
night because she had hoped to use part
of her allowances to help in the burial of
her late father who passed away while
she was on national assignment in Papua
New Guinea” the official explained.

“It is quite unfortunate that our female
players are been treated as if they are
outcast and unwanted by the NFF. It is
true that the team did not go beyond the
Group stage of the championship but
paying them such a meager amount of
money after representing their fatherland
in an international competition like the
World Cup deserves condemnation by all
Nigerians”, the official concluded.

The team is currently at the hotel booked for them as they have sworn not to leave until their money is paid by The NFF.

This should not be treated as the first issue of miss-management of funds by football governing body in Nigeria as it can be recalled that the Nigerian U-19 squad that represented Nigeria in South Korea, led by Manu Garba were simply paid N5.000 on their return.


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