Wednesday 23 November 2016

Morinho has greater winning agenda than Van Gal - Blind

Manchester United midfielder Daily Blind  has compared Jose Morinho with former United Manager  Luis Van Gal in terms of winning. The midfielder said the two coaches are quite similar but Jose Morinho has greater winning agenda than the former boss.

"I am fortunate enough to have worked with a
number of big coaches," he said. "I learn a lot
from Mourinho on a daily basis and he is a
good guy.

"He is pretty similar to Van Gaal when it comes
to their commitment to the team. They used to
work together so I reckon that is no

"Everybody likes it when your boss shows an
interest in you. Mourinho earned himself the
nickname 'The Special One' because of
everything he has achieved. He is an excellent
coach who has an eye for details. He is very
strong tactically.

"But his philosophy is slightly different to that
of Van Gaal. He is very direct -- it is all about


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