Thursday 3 November 2016

FIFA activates Nigeria's Domestic Transfer Matching System.

FIFA has enlisted the Nigerian Football Federation in their highest quality
services -  the FIFA DTMS (Domestic Transfer Matching System) and Intermediary Regulations Tool, making Nigerian football governing body the first to be granted access to this services.

Nasiru Jibril, club licensing manager spoke in Abuja:

“We are the only African country with these
services activated and by December 2016 (next
month), we will be on the FIFA Connect that will
place us among the elite FIFA Member
Associations with all the Premium Services

A screenshot of the Nigeria home page on the
FIFA website shows the two services (Domestic
Transfer Matching System and Intermediary
Regulations Tool) ticked in green, with the last
one (FIFA Connect) to be done next month to
make Nigeria activated in all Premium Services.

“The Head of Legal Services at NFF, Barrister
Okey Obi and myself, alongside four resource
persons from FIFA TMS, will train all the Clubs in
the use of the Premium Services activated in
Nigeria,” stated Jibril, who is a former Nigerian

According to Jibril, the Transfer Matching System (TMS) workshop will hold in Abuja at the Transcorp Hilton Hotel from 15th November to 17th and however, it is mandatory for all clubs in the NPFL to attend. 


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