Saturday 29 October 2016

See manager who might need to wear a heart monitor.

Antonio Conte talks about his health ahead of Chelsea fixture against Southampton . The Chelsea boss says
he worried about his heart and might need to wear a heart monitor on match days.

The Chelsea manager who has become famous for his celebrations said the way he watches games with so much intensity could be damaging to his heart and he also joked about wearing a heart monitor.

"I'm worried about this, it's true," he said.
"Maybe in one game I'll try to put the GPS or a
heart monitor on me and measure my stats.
"I pay great attention to my health. I always eat
healthy food and I run and do fitness too. I
don't do the same as the players because in the
training session I prefer to observe and give
"But when we finish if we have time and I'm
not tired I try to have my period of fitness. We
have four pitches here and I run around them
for 40 minutes."


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