Friday 28 October 2016

Morinho charged by the FA

The FA has charged Jose Mourinho for misconduct  following his comments about referee Anthony Taylor prior to the goalless draw at Liverpool.

Although the referee's appointment for the match was claimed by the former head of the PGMOL (Professional Game Match Official Limited) Keith Hackett as one that will put the official under great pressure. However prior to the fixture that ended goalless, The Portuguese manager said:

“I think Mr Taylor is a very good referee but I
think somebody with intention is putting such
a pressure on him that I feel that it will be
difficult for him to have a very good
performance. I have my view but
I understood and I learnt a lesson by
being punished so many times for
some words, so I don’t want to say
anything [more] about it.”

Jose Morinho has been given until
6pm on Monday to respond to the
charge, which, if upheld, might likely
result in a fine.


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