Wednesday 22 February 2017


Manchester United captain, Wayne Rooney has revealed he may be leaving the club sooner than later, as it appears the striker is not favored by coach Jose Morinho.

“The writing is on the wall for Wayne. He can
see what’s happening. He’s playing less and
believes he still has a lot to give. He won’t want
to continue here like this,” a source told
Sportsmail on Tuesday night.

Rooney is mulling over a £35million-a-year offerto play in China, where the transfer windowcloses next Tuesday.

Speaking on Tuesday, Mourinho refused to offerany guarantees that Rooney will stay.

“Of course I can’t guarantee. I cannot guaranteethat I’mhere next week, how can I guaranteethat a player is here next season?

“What I can guarantee is that if one day Wayne
leaves the club it is not because I want him to
leave. I would never push a legend of this club
to another destiny.’


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